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Araceli Hope

Six mos and sitting up, crawling and even flying!


Ari waves hello to the camera...kinda. Actually, she's just having fun with Daddy and was caught in this cute pose. We turned Daddy's business trip to the Bay Area into a family vacation, and were just settling into our hotel room. Ari seems to love traveling--this was right after her 9th flight!--and enjoys exploring new places and seeing new faces.


Ari waiting patiently as Daddy talks with the staff of a program like his in Oakland. We're so thankful that, at least for now, she doesn't mind sitting in her stroller, quietly entertaining herself. As long as we're nearby, she's happy! This makes for many nice dinner dates, conversations with friends, etc.


Ari enjoyed touching the dahlias at the Flower Conservatory at Golden Gate Park. We also ventured to the Japanese Garden and sipped green tea in a hut overlooking a pond.


Ari in the kitchenette sink, right after she discovered splashing.


Ari on her first swing ride in a park in San Francisco, near our hotel. She loved it--she's such a big girl now!


After a long day, the troops are pooped!


After taking the Bay Area by storm--visiting Oakland, San Jose and Chinatown, all while staying in San Francisco--we made our way to Berkeley before flying home. Here we're in their Farmer's Market, where Ari got to see lots of interesting, eclectic works of art.

While we like the Bay Area, it was good to head home. Anywhere that requires jackets in August is just tooooo cold!