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Araceli Hope

Our baby is becoming a little girl...here's Ari at three months old


Friends threw two showers for Ari. Here's one of her favorite gifts. Don't tell her that it's for kids much older than her. Our little mad scientist clearly thinks she has every right to be experimenting with all the little toys on this contraption.


Araceli loves people--and people love her. Here she is at one of her showers with a friend. We enjoy having "conversations" with her, though it's often difficult to a get a word in edgewise.


Our little muscle woman!


Mommy chairs a commission for our city council district. The councilman had a commendation created for Araceli and it is signed by him and the mayor. Just the first of many accolades for our future community leader!


"The best part of a bath--which I don't like all that much--is cuddling up in a towel afterwards in Momma's arms. Now that I'm up to 12 lbs, 5 oz, there is more of me to love."