A thunderous storm clapped its way through our city the day before Ari's party, so we thought it best to have it indoors.
Cousin Keilani, an auntie and Ari tickle the ivories of the piano, moved out of the way to make space for long tables in
the living room.
Grandpa held Ari as Daddy demonstrated how to blow out a candle. She was a little distracted by the singing.
Ari's had very little sugar in her diet until trying cake and ice cream. Our little princess really wasn't all that impressed
with it, and was soon finished.
To go along with the princess theme of Ari's party, Mommy requested subtle pink frosting on the cake. She was surprised to
open the box and see a bright purple cake, but it was just fine. The joyful colors reflected the happiness of the day, and
the cake was delicious: white cake with a filling of sweet cream cheese and fresh strawberries.
An uncle and aunt eat Ari's birthday lunch: spaghetti, chicken fingers, green salad, Grandma's fruit salad, and garlic bread.
Grandma wanted a picture of the princess and her court jester (left) and maid (right).